Monday, September 10, 2007

It's been a while since I last posted, mainly because i simply cannot be arsed but also because it is difficult to follow up such a classic post as that gingerbread one.

Anyway I thought I'd start a new series, called "Classic events from the What's Happening in Toyama monthly newsletter". It is a publication which I have to say gives me enormous pleasure each month. This month two great events are happening on the same day in Takaoka, which one to attend - its a real dilemma! Either way I know an awesome time is going to be had by all.

Check out these two badass events, they certainly stick two fingers up to anyone who has the gaul to suggest that Toyama is a boring place!

Classic events from the What's Happening in Toyama monthly newsletter:

No 1:

The 24th Annual Nakada Scarecrow festival!

Do you like scarecrows? Then this is the festival for you! There will be a scarecrow contest, parade, and an endurance race! Takaoka City , Nakada-ku Central Shopping District

Not content with that? On the same day will be ....

No 2:

The Takaoka Daibutsu Festival!

Witness the annual cleaning of the Takaoka Daibutsu (Big Buddha) 。After the cleaning there will be various fun events and celebration. Takaoka-City

Each month the What's Happening in Toyama newsletter throws up a number of these such events, it truely is a wonderful publication for a wonderful place. Check out next month's blog for more classics from this spectacular series!*

* Note: I may well get bored and not bother.